Test Driving Miyuki Kits

I admit that despite the fact that we sell a large amount of seedbeads, I am not a ‘bead weaver’.  Not that I am not interested in doing it, but I am a ‘Funky & Chunky ‘ kinda girl when it comes to jewelry.  I must say though, recently ‘Beadwork’ magazine and the like have really been stepping up their features and I have loved some of the modern, fresh designs that are appearing.

And seeing as I ADORE Miyuki beads of every size and shape, I had to get myself in gear and start using them.  To introduce myself, I decided to try a couple of their kits we sell.

I chose the ‘Blue Surge Bracelet’ and the ‘Smokey Sapphire Ring’ so as to end up with a lovely set for myself.  Now that I do not sell jewelry anymore (The Beading Room keeps me busy enough, thank you) the pieces I make are going to be for ME ME ME:)

I started with the ring.  Rule number one.  Always believe the instructions.  It said to use a toothpick (or a reamer) to clear out the holes on the pearls.  Well I didn’t because I got my nylon through them no problem until….I had to go back through them a second time.  I had to take apart what I did and start again.

Anyways, in a short time I had a beautiful ring which I adore.  And a great, easy-to-follow pattern to replicate again and again.  I think I will make my Mom one in black and silver.  

Feeling confident after my success, I am now doing the bracelet kit.  I really think this is going to be special, and again, I am going to use the pattern to make some different color combinations. 

I have just starting using the Design Save and Go beading board and I love it!!!  It even holds 15/0 pretty much in place (a few strays, but nothing serious).  All the rest of my supplies stay exactly as I leave them, after turning the board upside-down and vertical. And the space is nice and big but fits on my lap perfectly.  Tested and approved!

Design Save & Go

So, if you have wanted to try working with those little Miyuki Beads but don’t know where to start, try a kit.  It has given me some confidence to take it further and I am very impressed with the quality of beads-Czech Fire Polished, Miyuki, and Swarovski bicones are found in these kits.  Nothing but the best!

Here’s a link for all our Miyuki Kits:

And if you need a good bead board that allows you to bead anywhere, anytime, click on this link:

(Originally published February 12, 2010)

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